Source notes:Regan

From Pittsburgh Streets
Street Page Regan's claim Regan's uncited source True? Comments
Bethoven 4 Beethoven Probably true
Halket 4 Sir Peter Halkett True
Aiken 55 Holder of a patent for a brick machine False Contradicts claim on p. 62
Dithridge 55 Holder of a patent for a bouquet holder Mostly true But not because of anything to do with the patent
Oliver 55 Holder of a patent for a band for baling cotton Mostly true But not because of anything to do with the patent
Wood 55 Holder of a patent for a brewer's cooler False Contradicts claim on pp. 58, 75
Fifth Avenue 55 [History of name changes] Miller, p. 35 Mostly true
Grant Street 58 Major James Grant Miller, p. 26 True
Smithfield Street 58 Devereux Smith Miller, p. 29 True
Wood Street 58 George Woods Maybe Miller, p. 28; Carlin True Contradicts claim on p. 55
Webster Avenue 59 Formerly named Coal Lane Buvinger, p. 23 True
Wylie Avenue 59 Formerly named Coal Road Buvinger, p. 23 False Coal Road became part of Webster Avenue
McLain 59 Benjamin McLain True
Maple 59 Thomas Maple True Renamed Millbridge Street in 1910
Lillian 59 Thomas Maple's granddaughter Mostly true Actually his daughter
Walter 59 Thomas Maple's grandson Mostly true Actually his son
All "ways" 59 City ordinance prohibits the use of "alley" Partly true Ordinance no. 402 (1914) changed all alleys to ways, but did not prohibit "alley" from being used in the future
Shiloh 60 Civil War battle True
Merrimac 60 Civil War battle Mostly true Named for a ship
Kearsarge 60 Civil War battle Plausible Perhaps named for a ship
Palo Alto 60 Mexican War Carlin True Contradicts claim on p. 65
Buena Vista 60 Mexican War Carlin True
Monterey 60 Mexican War Carlin True
Taylor [sic] 60 Mexican War Carlin True Carlin also calls it "Taylor"
Esplanade 60 Mexican War Carlin False No longer exists
Resaca 60 Mexican War Carlin True
Ruskin 60 Nineteenth-century British writer True
Tennyson 60 Nineteenth-century British writer True
Lytton 60 Nineteenth-century British writer True
Thackeray 60 Nineteenth-century British writer True
Hemingway 60 Literary theme True
Fitzgerald 60 Literary theme True
Ophelia 60 Shakespearean character True
Cato 60 Shakespearean character Plausible
Hamlet 60 Shakespearean character True
Romeo 60 Shakespearean character True
Juliet 60 Shakespearean character False
Joe Hammer Square 60 Joe Hammer, originally Ellsinore [sic] Square after Ellsinore [sic] Castle True
All streets in Oakwood 60 Originally named for U. S. presidents Partly true
All streets in Westwood 60 Originally named for colleges Partly true
Rhine 60 German origins of Spring Hill neighborhood True
Goehring 60 German origins of Spring Hill neighborhood Probably true Named for C. L. Goehring, who probably had German heritage
Crucible Street 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Probably true
Saline Street 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Vaguely true
Theodolite Street [sic] 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Probably true
Furnace Way 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Probably true Renamed Fowlkes Way in 1925
Collier Way [sic] 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 False Contradicts claim in next paragraph
Bessemer Way [sic] 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Plausible
Tripod Way 61 Local scientific and engineering paraphernalia Warner, p. 228 Probably true
Addison 61 First judge of Allegheny County Miller, p. 34 True
Bailey 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Collier 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True Contradicts claim in previous paragraph
Forward 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Hampton 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Lowrie 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Magee 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
McCandless 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
McClure 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Mellon 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Roberts 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Shaler 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Slagle 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True Has not existed since about 1900
Sterrett 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Wilkins 61 Former judge Miller, p. 34 True
Denny 61 Ebenezer Denny Miller, p. 32 True
Darragh 61 John Darragh Miller, p. 32 True
Snowden 61 John Snowden False No street in Pittsburgh is named Snowden. There once was a Snowden Alley, not named for John Snowden, that became 43rd ½ Street. Regan's index says Snowden Drive, which is not in Pittsburgh.
Murray 61 Magnus Murray Miller, p. 32; Carlin True
Sophie Masloff Way 61 Pittsburgh mayor, 1988–1994 True
Antarctic 62 Ocean Doubtful
Arctic 62 Ocean Doubtful
Atlantic 62 Ocean True
Baltic 62 Ocean Mostly true Sea, not ocean
Pacific 62 Ocean True
Sixth Street bridge 62 Once Saint Clair Street, for General Arthur Saint Clair Miller, p. 27 True Why "bridge"?
Ninth Street bridge 62 Once Hand Street, for General Edward Hand True Why "bridge"?
Aiken Avenue 62 David Aiken True Contradicts claim on p. 55
Allequippa Street 62 Queen of Delaware Indians True
Amanda Avenue 62 Amanda Knox Mathews Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Anderson Street 62 Major William Anderson Miller, p. 27 True
Arabella Street 62 Variety of grape grown in Knox vineyard Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Ampere 63 Noted historical person Plausible Probably named after the electrical unit
Bethoven 63 Beethhoven [sic] Probably true
Bismark 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Bizet 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Casanova 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Cicero 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Darwin 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Dawes 63 Noted historical person Probably true
DeSoto [sic] 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Dickens 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Emerson 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Faulkner 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Certainly not William Faulkner
Fitzgerald 63 Noted historical person True
Garfield 63 Noted historical person True
Goehring 63 Noted historical person False
Hancock 63 Noted historical person True
Heinz 63 Noted historical person Mostly true Named for the H. J. Heinz Company
Hemingway 63 Noted historical person True
Herod [sic] 63 Noted historical person Doubtful
Ibsen 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Isabella 63 Noted historical person Doubtful
Kelvin 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Kennedy 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Certainly not John F. Kennedy
Kepler 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Kilmer 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Kipling 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Kosciusko 63 Noted historical person Maybe Carlin True
LaPlace 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Lafayette 63 Noted historical person Maybe Carlin True
Lincoln 63 Noted historical person True
Lindberg 63 Noted historical person Doubtful
Longfellow 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Milton 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Napoleon 63 Noted historical person Maybe Carlin Probably true
Nero 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Newton 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Nixon 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Certainly not Richard Nixon
O'Hara 63 Noted historical person Questionable Does James O'Hara qualify as a noted historical person?
Orwell 63 Noted historical person False
Oswald 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Certainly not Lee Harvey Oswald
Poe 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Pressley 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Certainly not Elvis Presley
Reuben 63 Noted historical person Doubtful Too vague
Revere 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Ridgway 63 Noted historical person False
Roosevelt 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Schubert 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Shakespeare 63 Noted historical person Partly true Named for the Shakespeare Hotel and Gardens
Saint Patrick 63 Noted historical person True
Stevenson (index says Stevenson Place) 63 Noted historical person False
Taft 63 Noted historical person Probably true
Tennyson 63 Noted historical person True
Thackeray 63 Noted historical person True
Twain 63 Noted historical person Plausible
VanBuren [sic] 63 Noted historical person True
Wagner 63 Noted historical person Plausible
Walcott 63 Noted historical person Doubtful
Washington (index says Washington Boulevard) 63 Noted historical person True
Westinghouse 63 Noted historical person True
William Penn 63 Noted historical person True
Bates Street 63 Tarleton Bates Maybe Carlin True
Baum Boulevard 63 William Penn Baum True
Belgium 64 Country Probably true No longer exists
Canada 64 Country Probably true Modification of earlier name, Cana
China 64 Country Probably true No longer exists
Cuba 64 Country False
Finland 64 Country Probably true
Grenada 64 Country Probably true
Haiti 64 Country Probably true
Honduras 64 Country Probably true
India 64 Country Probably true Modification of earlier name, Indiana
Ireland 64 Country Maybe Carlin Probably true Named when all of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom
Jamaica 64 Country Probably true
Jordan 64 Country False
Lebanon 64 Country Partly true Probably named for Lebanon Church
Mexico 64 Country Maybe Carlin Probably true
Panama 64 Country True
Scotland 64 Country Maybe Carlin Probably true
Sweden 64 Country Probably true No longer exists
Bausman Street 64 Frederick Bausman Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Bayard Street 64 Stephen Bayard Miller, p. 29 True
Bayard Road 64 Stephen Bayard
Bayard Place 64 Stephen Bayard
Beechwood Boulevard 64 Residence of W. N. Frew True
Bedford Avenue 64 Dr. Nathaniel Bedford Miller, p. 30; Carlin True
Bellefield Avenue 64 Neville Craig's farm, Bellefield, named for his wife, Isabella Carlin Mostly true Isabel was Craig's daughter, and the land was named Bellefield 25 years before Craig was born
Bigelow Boulevard 64 Originally Grant Boulevard, named for Edward Manning Bigelow True
Amman 65 City False
Amsterdam 65 City Probably true
Antwerp 65 City Probably true
Athens 65 City Probably true
Atlanta 65 City Plausible
Augusta 65 City False
Belgrade 65 City Probably true
Baltimore 65 City Plausible
Boston 65 City False
Cairo 65 City Probably true
Calcutta 65 City Probably true
Chicago 65 City Probably true
Cleveland 65 City False
Denver 65 City Plausible
El Paso 65 City Probably true
Fargo 65 City Plausible
Gettysburg 65 City Partly true Named for the battle, not the town
Hartford 65 City Plausible
Hollywood 65 City Plausible
Los Angeles 65 City Probably true
Melbourne 65 City Probably true
Milwaukee 65 City Probably true
Norfolk 65 City Plausible
Ottawa 65 City Doubtful
Palm Beach 65 City Probably true
Palo Alto 65 City False Contradicts claim on p. 60
Pasadena 65 City Probably true
Peoria 65 City Plausible
Perth 65 City Plausible
Phoenix 65 City Doubtful
Quebec 65 City Plausible More likely named for the province
Raleigh 65 City Plausible
Roanoke 65 City Plausible
Sacramento 65 City Probably true
Saratoga 65 City Partly true Probably named for the Battles of Saratoga
Spokane 65 City Plausible
Tacoma 65 City Probably true
Wheeling 65 City Mostly true Wheeling Branch of B&O Railroad
Wichita 65 City True
Boquet [sic] Street 65 Colonel Henry Bouquet Miller, p. 25-26 True
Boulevard of the Allies 65 Monongahela Boulevard renamed in 1922 to honor Allies of First World War Mostly true Never actually named Monongahela Boulevard
Boundary Street 65 Boundary between Pitt Township and Oakland Deasy Partly true Boundary between Pitt and Peebles Townships (Oakland was in Pitt Township)
Brackenridge Street 65 Hugh H. Brackenridge Miller, pp. 30–32 True
Alumni 66 College-related name True Not an informative claim
Bucknell 66 College-related name Plausible
Campus 66 College-related name True Not an informative claim
College 66 College-related name Tautological
Columbia 66 College-related name Plausible
Cornell 66 College-related name True
Diploma 66 College-related name True Not an informative claim
Harvard (index says Harvard Street) 66 College-related name Probably true
Oxford 66 College-related name True
Purdue 66 College-related name True
Radcliffe 66 College-related name Plausible
Stanford 66 College-related name True
Vassar 66 College-related name Probably true
Villanova 66 College-related name Plausible
Yale 66 College-related name True
Braddock Avenue 66 General Edward Braddock Miller, p. 24 True
Butler Street 66 General Richard Butler True
Charles Street 66 Charles Knox Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Chatham Street 66 William Pitt, Earl of Chatham Miller, p. 26 True
Craig Street 66 Major Isaac Craig Miller, p. 28 True
Dallas Avenue 66 Mathilda Dallas Plausible
Darlington Road 66 Harry Darlington
Darragh Street 67 John Darragh True
Denniston Avenue [sic] 67 Samuel Denniston False
Denny Street 67 Ebenezer Denny True
Devilliers Street 67 Coulon de Devilliers Maybe Carlin True Misspelled Louis Coulon de Villiers
Dinwiddie Street 67 Robert Dinwiddie Maybe Miller, p. 26; Carlin True
Apollo 68 Astronomy-related name Doubtful
Asteroid 68 Astronomy-related name Maybe Carlin True Not an informative claim
Azimuth 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Comet 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Cosmos 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Eclipse 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Lunar 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Mars 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Moon 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Neptune 68 Astronomy-related name False
Orion 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Planet 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Saturn 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Sirius 68 Astronomy-related name Maybe Carlin True
Sky 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Solar 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Sun 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Sunrise 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Sunset 68 Astronomy-related name True Not an informative claim
Telescope 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Vega 68 Astronomy-related name Probably true
Venus 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Zenith 68 Astronomy-related name Plausible
Zodiac 68 Astronomy-related name Maybe Carlin Plausible More astrology than astronomy
Ellsworth Avenue 68 Originally White's Lane, name changed in memory of General Ellsworth, who died the day the street was opened Partly true Elmer E. Ellsworth was a colonel; no confirmation of "White's Lane" or the coincidence in dates
Ellsworth Place 68 General Ellsworth Partly true Named for its location off Ellsworth Avenue
Ellsworth Terrace 68 General Ellsworth Partly true Named for its location off Ellsworth Avenue
Fisk Street 68 Alba Fisk
Forbes Avenue 68 General John Forbes Carlin True
Forward Avenue 68 Walter Forward True
Foster Street 68 William and Stephen Foster True
Frankstown Road [sic] 68 Frank's Town Carlin True
Frazier Street 69 John Frazier True
Georgia Avenue 69 Native state of Mary Morgan Knox Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Grant Street 69 Major James Grant True
Grape Street 69 Extensive vineyards of Knox farm Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Grimes Avenue 69 James F. Grimes Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Halket Street 69 Sir Peter Halkett Miller, p. 25 True
Halket Place 69 Sir Peter Halkett Partly true Named for its location alongside Halket Street
Hazlett Street 69 Theodore L. Hazlett False
Highland Avenue 69 Robert Hiland, surveyor Maybe Miller, p. 33; Carlin Mostly true Surveyor's name was James Hiland
Joncaire Street 69 Phillip Thomas Joncaire True Misspelled Philippe-Thomas Chabert de Joncaire
Jucunda Street 69 Strawberry grown on Knox farm Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Jumonville Street 70 Coulon de Jumonville Maybe Miller, p. 26; Carlin True Full name Joseph Coulon de Jumonville
Kirkpatrick Street 70 Major Abraham Kirkpatrick Miller, p. 30 Probably true
Knox Avenue 70 Knox family Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Lacock Street 70 Abner Lacock Miller, p. 34; Carlin True
Larimer Avenue 70 William Larimer Maybe Miller, p. 33 True Strictly, William Larimer Jr.
Liberty Avenue 70 Northern Liberties, former name of Strip District Plausible
Matthews [sic] Avenue 70 Matthews family of Philadelphia Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Matthews [sic] Way 70 Matthews family of Philadelphia Goldstrom, p. 15 True
McArdle Roadway 70 Peter J. McArdle True
Morse Way 70–72 Mrs. William Wilbur Knox, neé Josephine Morse Goldstrom, p. 15 False Wrong street: this is the origin of Morse Street in Knoxville, now Marland Street
Murray Avenue 72 Magnus Murray Miller, p. 32; Carlin True
Negley Run Boulevard 72 James Negley (1826–1901) Doubtful Negley Run is probably named for an earlier Negley
Neville Street 72 Colonel Preasley [sic] Neville "the literature" Doubtful
Neville Street 72 General John Neville "the literature" Probably true
O'Hara Street 72 Colonel James O'Hara Miller, p. 32 True Actually Quartermaster General
Penn Avenue 72 William Penn Probably true
Philander Street 72 Philander Knox True
Robinson Street 72 General William Robinson Miller, p. 34; Carlin False Wrong street: this is the origin of General Robinson Street
Rochelle Street 72 Blackberry grown on Knox farm Goldstrom, p. 15 Probably true Maybe a grape
Ross Street 72 James Ross Miller, pp. 29–30; Carlin True
California 73 State Probably true
Colorado 73 State True
Connecticut 73 State Probably true
Delaware 73 State Plausible
Georgia 73 State True
Indiana 73 State True
Iowa 73 State True
Kentucky 73 State True
Louisiana 73 State True
Massachusetts 73 State True
Michigan 73 State True
Minnesota 73 State True
Missouri 73 State Probably true
Montana 73 State True
Nevada 73 State True
New York 73 State Plausible
New Hampshire [sic] 73 State Partly true Named Newhamshire for Thomas T. Newhams, corrupted by association with New Hampshire
Ohio 73 State False
Oklahoma 73 State True
Oregon 73 State True
Pennsylvania 73 State True
Rhode Island 73 State True
Vermont 73 State True
Virginia 73 State True
Wyoming 73 State Doubtful
Sandusky Street 73 Indian name meaning "cool water" Carlin Probably true
Saw Mill Run Boulevard 73 Location of sawmill used to build Fort Pitt True
Semple Street 73 Samuel Semple True
Shady Avenue 73 Once a tree-lined country lane True
Smallman Street 73 Captain Thomas Smallman Miller, p. 27 True
Smithfield Street 73 Devereux Smith; originally called Smith's Field Street Miller, p. 29 Mostly true "Smith's Field Street" is somewhat doubtful
Stanton Avenue 73 Edwin M. Stanton True
Stanwix Street 74 General John Stanwix Miller, p. 26 True
Steuben Street 74 Baron von Steuben Miller, p. 27; Carlin True
Steve Seventy Street 74 State house representative, 1978–1988 True
Stockton Avenue 74 Reverend Joseph Stockton Maybe Miller, p. 34; Carlin True
Tannehill Street 74 General Adamson Tannehill Miller, p. 29 Mostly true Only reached the rank of captain; street no longer exists
Tustin Street 74 James Tustin True
Vickroy Street 74 Thomas Vickroy Miller, p. 28; Carlin True
Ward Street 74 Ensign Edward Ward True
Ward Street 74 Hugh J. Ward False
Wilbur Street 74 Wilbur Matthews [sic] Goldstrom, p. 15 True
Winebiddle Street 74 Conrad Winebiddle Maybe Miller, p. 34; Carlin True
Wissahickon Road 75 Wissahickon Creek and Valley in Philadelphia area Mostly true Directly named for Wissahickon Hollow in Riverview Park
Wood Street 75 George Woods Maybe Miller, p. 28; Carlin True Contradicts claim on p. 55
Woolslayer Way 75 William Woolslayer Miller, p. 33 True
Zara Street 75 Variety of grape grown on Knox farm Goldstrom, p. 15 True