Eclipse Way

From Pittsburgh Streets
Eclipse Way
Neighborhood Middle Hill

Eclipse Way was officially named and opened in 1920.[1]

Bob Regan includes "Eclipse" in a list of astronomy-related street names.[2]


  1. "An ordinance approving the 'Harry Lebman Plan of Lots' in the Fifth ward of the City of Pittsburgh, laid out by H. Lebman, et. al., accepting the dedication of Morgan street, Elba street and Eclipse way as shown thereon, for public use for highway purposes, opening and naming the same and establishing the grades thereon." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1920, no. 358. Passed Sept. 27, 1920; approved Oct. 4, 1920. Ordinance Book 31, p. 593. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh for the year 1920, appendix, p. 283, Eureka Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1920). [view source]ordinance-1920-358
  2. Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the city, neighborhoods, streets, parks and more got their names, pp. 68, 183, 186. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source]regan