Diploma Street

From Pittsburgh Streets
Diploma Street
Neighborhood Brighton Heights
Origin of name Academic theme for the Brighton Heights Plan
Bryn Mawr Avenue (until 1910)
Origin of name Bryn Mawr College

This street appears as Bryn Mawr Avenue in the 1910 Hopkins atlas as part of the Brighton Heights Plan, which was laid out on both sides of Davis Avenue. It was named for Bryn Mawr College. All of the streets in this plan that were not extensions of existing streets were given academic names: Academy Lane (today Acacia Lane), Amherst Avenue, College Avenue (today Campus Street and Purdue Street), Cornell Avenue (today Cornell Street), Harvard Circle, Princeton Road (today Pemberton Street), Rugby Alley (today Aquatic Way), Stanford Road, Vassar Lane (today Lois Way), Wellesley Avenue (today Wickshire Street), and West Point Avenue.[1]

In 1910, over 900 streets were renamed to fix duplicates. Bryn Mawr Avenue conflicted with Bryn Mawr Road in the Hill District, so it was renamed Diploma Street, which preserved the academic theme.[2][3][4]


  1. Atlas of Greater Pittsburgh, plate 41. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1910. http://historicpittsburgh.org/maps-hopkins/1910-atlas-greater-pittsburgh; 1910 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]hopkins-1910
  2. "Councils to fix names of streets: Will pass finally on new selections ordered reported favorably by surveys committee—Historical Society aids City Clerk Clark: Some changes which are recommended." Pittsburg Press, Jan. 27, 1910, p. 5. Newspapers.com 141338336. [view source]councils-to-fix-names-of-streets
  3. "An ordinance changing the names of certain avenues, streets, lanes and alleys in the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1910, no. 715. Passed Mar. 31, 1910; approved Apr. 5, 1910. Ordinance Book 21, p. 342. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the proceedings of the [Select and Common Councils] of the City of Pittsburgh for the years 1909–1910, appendix, pp. 312–328, Devine & Co., Pittsburgh, 1910 (Google Books doQzAQAAMAAJ; HathiTrust uiug.30112108223832; Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1909). Reprinted in the Pittsburgh Post, Apr. 19, 1910, pp. 10–11 (Newspapers.com 86611990, 86612022), Apr. 20, pp. 10–11 (Newspapers.com 86612278, 86612297), and Apr. 21, pp. 10–11 (Newspapers.com 86612601, 86612625). [view source]ordinance-1910-715
  4. Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the city, neighborhoods, streets, parks and more got their names, pp. 66, 185. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source]regan