Waterfront Place

From Pittsburgh Streets
Waterfront Place
Neighborhood Strip District
Origin of name Its location along the Allegheny River
Water Street (until 1837)
Origin of name Its location along the Allegheny River
Etna Street (1837–2000)

This street appears in William Darby's 1815 map as Water Street, part of the Northern Liberties,[1] named for its location along the south bank of the Allegheny River. It also appears in maps from 1830 and 1835.[2][3] After the Northern Liberties became part of the city of Pittsburgh in 1837,[4][5][6] this name conflicted with Water Street along the north bank of the Monongahela (today Fort Pitt Boulevard), so its name was changed to Etna Street. Etna Street was mentioned in a resolution of the Select Council in 1838.[7]

Etna Street was renamed in 2000[8] by request of Seagate Technology, a computer hard-drive manufacturer, who opened a research center there in 2002. The company suggested Seagate Street, but the city rejected that name because the company might leave. The name Waterfront Place was a compromise.[9] As it turns out, the city's concern was prescient: Seagate closed their facility in 2009.[10]

See also


  1. Wm. Darby. Plan of Pittsburg and Adjacent Country. R. Patterson and W. Darby, Philadelphia, 1815. Historic Pittsburgh DARMAP0197, DARMAP0198. Reproduced in John W. Reps, The Making of Urban America: A History of City Planning in the United States, p. 207, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1965 (LCCN 63023414); and in Bruce J. Buvinger, The Origin, Development and Persistence of Street Patterns in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, p. 24. Also reproduced as "Plan von Pittsburg und Umgebungen" in Bernhard, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Heinrich Luden, ed.), Reise Sr. Hoheit des Herzogs Bernhard zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach durch Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1825 und 1826, vol. II, following p. 200, Wilhelm Hoffmann, Weimar, 1828 (Internet Archive reisesrhoheitdes00bern, reisesrhoheitdes00inbern). [view source]darby
  2. Jean Barbeau and Lewis Keyon. Map of Pittsburgh and Its Environs. N. B. Molineux, Pittsburgh, 1830. Historic Pittsburgh DARMAP0576; https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/36c3ab00-57aa-0136-8f4f-08990f217bc9. [view source]barbeau
  3. Lewis Keyon. Map of Pittsburgh and Its Environs. Johnston & Stockton, Pittsburgh, 1835. Historic Pittsburgh DARMAP0577; 1835 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps (https://esriurl.com/pittsburgh). [view source]keyon
  4. Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Passed at the Session of 1836–37: In the Sixty-First Year of Independence, pp. 29–30. Theo. Fenn, Harrisburg, 1837. Google Books _AcrAAAAIAAJ, i84_AQAAMAAJ, wSdOAQAAIAAJ. [view source]laws-pa-1836-37
  5. History of Pittsburgh and Environs, vol. 2, p. 75. American Historical Society, New York and Chicago, 1922. Google Books 3staAAAAYAAJ, TPUMAAAAYAAJ; HathiTrust 011262563; Internet Archive historypittsbur00yorkgoog, historypittsbur02socigoog. [view source]history-pgh-environs-2
  6. Erasmus Wilson, ed. Standard History of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, pp. 700, 708, 709, 957. H. R. Cornell & Co., Chicago, 1898. Google Books 1dcwAQAAMAAJ; Historic Pittsburgh 00hc03974m; Internet Archive standardhistoryo00wils. [view source]wilson-erasmus
  7. "City water works." Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, Aug. 13, 1838, [p. 2]. Newspapers.com 96015802. [view source]city-water-works
  8. "Resolution changing the name of Etna Street from 11th Street to 13th Street (at previously vacated portion Res. 394 of 1922) in the 2nd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh." Pittsburgh city resolution, 2000, no. 614. Passed July 31, 2000; approved Aug. 10, 2000. https://pittsburgh.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=637135&GUID=C3BE014A-D174-425D-8D0F-F63811246D0E. [view source]resolution-2000-614
  9. Lillian Thomas. "City plays the name game." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Mar. 26, 2001, pp. C-5, C-8. Newspapers.com 90410524, 90410540. [view source]thomas-city
  10. Elwin Green. "Seagate to close facility in Strip." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Sept. 19, 2008, pp. A-7, A-8. Newspapers.com 96576271, 96576273; http://www.post-gazette.com/business/businessnews/2008/09/19/Seagate-to-close-facility-in-Strip/stories/200809190206. [view source]green