Notes:Harcum Way

From Pittsburgh Streets

To do

Find East Birmingham plan.

  • Source:Ordinance-1928-374 ("An ordinance vacating Edwards Way in the 16th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh from South Twenty-third Street to South Twenty-seventh Street"): ". . . as shown by the Plan of East Birmingham of record in the Division of Surveys of the City of Pittsburgh as Survey Plan No. 697, . . ."
  • 1852: Appears, unlabeled, in Source:Mcgowin-1852.
  • 1862: Appears, unlabeled, in Source:Beers.
  • 1868-12-18 ( 86347165): "Jacob Och to Andreas Lang, Sept. 26, 1868; lot on Harcum alley, East Birmingham, 20 by 60 feet. $550"
  • 1872: Appears in Source:Hopkins-1872 as "Harcums Alley."
  • 1881-03-04, Source:Ordinance-1881-33: "Harcums alley, from South Seventeenth street to South Thirty-third street, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth wards."
  • 1910-04-05, Source:Ordinance-1910-716: "Harcum ay., from South 17th to South 33d, 16th and 17th wds."

To do

The alley was originally continuous; discuss vacations.

People named Harcum

Source:Harris-1839, p. 138: "DIRECTORY OF BIRMINGHAM. ¶ . . . ¶ Harkum Lewis, glass blower, Ormsby street."

Source:Fahnestock (1850), p. 40:

Harcum Andrew, glass blower, Josephine, E Bir
Harcum Hiram, glass manuf. Carson, E Bir
Harcum L. & Co. "Hope" glass mannf. [sic] 17 Market
Harcum Lewis, glass manuf. Neville, Bir
Harcum Samuel, do do do do

Source:History-pgh-environs-3, p. 540: "The Hope Glass Works were operated in 1850 by Lewis and Samuel Harcum; they made a specialty of mineral, hock and claret wine bottles. Their existence, however, was of a short duration."

Source:Pittsburg-and-her-people-4, p. 209:

ANDREW HARCUM, justice of the peace and a member of the police force of Greater Pittsburg, was born in Liberty avenue, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, November 12, 1846, son of Samuel and Hannah M. (Kane) Harcum. The father was born in Coal Lane, Pittsburg, in 1822, and was one of the pioneer glass manufacturers of the South Side. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harcum were as follows: John, Sarah J., Andrew, Elizabeth, Hiram and Samuel. The father died January 25, 1854. His wife died January 18, 1905.

The subject's grandfather, also named Samuel Harcum, was born in Maryland and was a sailor in Commodore Perry's fleet during the battle of Orleans, and was discharged from service in 1825.

Andrew Harcum, of this notice, the son of Samuel Harcum (second), was educated at the public schools of his native city and when but fourteen years of age he ran away from his home and accompanied the First Pennsylvania Cavalry Reserves. He returned after the second fight at Bull Run and enlisted in 1863 in Knapp's Battery of Pennsylvania, served three months and then re-enlisted in the Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, from which he was discharged August 11, 1865. After his return home he entered the mills in Pittsburg as a "roller." In 1871 he was appointed on the city police force and reappointed for two terms. In 1902 he was elected a justice of the peace, which position he still holds.

He married, in 1869, Sarah, daughter of John and Catherine Gosley, by whom was born the following children: Amelia A. Russell, Gertrude Shoppener and Sarah, who died at the age of three years, in 1882.