Fork Way

From Pittsburgh Streets
Fork Way
Neighborhood Garfield

Fork Way appears in the 1924 Hopkins atlas, running from Cornwall Street, at the point where the water tower now stands, north to Perth Street (which extended farther west than it does today).[1] It no longer exists.

Bob Regan includes "Fork" in his "Streets of Pittsburgh" crossword puzzle, clued as "Cutlery used for serving and eating food with a handle on one end and tines on the other."[2] Unfortunately this is just a dictionary definition of the word fork and gives no information about the origin of the street name.


  1. Real Estate Plat-Book of the City of Pittsburgh, vol. 3, plate 14. G. M. Hopkins & Co., Philadelphia, 1924.; included in the 1923 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( [view source]hopkins-1924-vol-3
  2. Bob Regan. The Names of Pittsburgh: How the City, Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks and More Got Their Names, pp. 183–186. The Local History Company, Pittsburgh, 2009, ISBN 978-0-9770429-7-5. [view source]regan