
From Pittsburgh Streets

Charles L. Goehring.

Charles L. Goehring died late yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 906 Sherman avenue, Allegheny, after an illness of six weeks. Mr. Goehring was born on December 10, 1818, in Alsace-Lorraine, Germany. He came to this country with his father, Charles William Goehring, in 1818. The family first landed at Baltimore, and after remaining there two years removed to Robbstown, Pa., now known as West Newton. When 20 years of age Mr. Goehring came to Pittsburg, and in partnership with his brother, Jacob Goehring, entered the wholesale confectionery business at 711 Liberty avenue. In 1845 Mr. Goehring retired from this line of business and moved to Spring Hill, Allegheny. During the first oil excitement he became largely interested in the Federal Oil Company. Afterward Mr. Goehring entered the iron business and became a member of the firm of Coleman, Hahm & Co.

Coincident with the discovery of the economic value of natural gas Mr. Goehring became one of the organizers of the Consolidated Gas Company, of Pittsburg, and was its first president. About 15 years ago he retired from active business. He served two terms in the Legislature in the early 60's.

In 1845 Mr. Goehring married Miss Eliza Meek, daughter of John Meek, of Pittsburg, who survives him. He leaves two sons and four daughters, John M. Goehring, president of the common council of Allegheny; Louis S. Goehring, of Wilkinsburg; Mrs. Lizzie H. Smith, the widow of the late Henry Smith, of Allegheny; Mrs. Emma P. Dick, widow of the late Major M. M. Dick, of West Newton; Mrs. Amelia Haslage, wife of William C. Haslage, of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Annie W. Steffen, widow of the late Christian Steffen, of Allegheny, and a grandchild, the son of a deceased daughter, Mrs. Yetta Robertson, wife of Dr. Stewart Robertson, of Allegheny.

John E. Hudson.

BOSTON, Oct. 4.—John Elbridge Hudson, president of the Bell Telephone Company, who suddenly died last Monday at Beverly while waiting for his train to this city, was connected with that company for over 20 years. He was born in Lynn on August 3, 1839, and was a descendant of Thomas Hudson, who came from England in 1630 and settled in the Massachusetts bay colony. He was of the same family as Henry Hudson, who sailed his ship up the river now bearing his name.

Mr. Hudson was a graduate of Harvard, where he distinguished himself for fine scholarship, especially in the classics. Taking up the study of law he received his degree and in the fall of 1866 was admitted to the Massachusetts bar. He had the rare gift of understanding complicated accounts, as a result of which he became eminent as a corporation counsel. On the formation of the American Bell Telephone Company he became first its counsel and then its head. He was a member of a large number of scientific societies both at home and abroad. He was one of the distinguished men of the age, his varied talents having given him a commanding position. He had a National reputation as a Greek scholar such as has been enjoyed by few.

John Johnson.

John Johnson, aged 65 years, died suddenly last Wednesday at 11 a. m., at his home, 4906 Penn avenue. Mr. Johnson was a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, but had resided in Pittsburg for the past 40 years. He was formerly a puddler at Zug's mill, and afterward became an employe of the Westinghouse Company in East Pittsburg. Two years ago while in the latter company's employ he had one of his legs badly crushed. It was afterward amputated, and this is believed to have been primarily the cause of his death. He was a Presbyterian. Mr. [sic] ninth Street Presbyterian Church. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife and two children, Joseph W. Johnson, of engine company No. 7, and Miss Mary Johnson, a teacher in the Ralston school.

John Brennan.

John Brennen, 53 years old, died yesterday morning at the family residence, 29 Boyd street, after an illness of but a few days. For a number of years he was a member of the Pittsburgh police force and was known as one of the largest and strongest officers on the force. He came to Pittsburgh when he was 18 years old, and nearly all that time has been connected with the department of public safety in some capacity. He was twice married, his second wife and three children surviving. When speaking about the dead officer yesterday, Roger O'Mara said: "John Brennen was one of the best officers on the force and the best policeman I ever knew. It will be hard to replace him."

Mrs. James M. Hilands.

Mrs. Virginia Wilson Hilands died yesterday at her late home in Emsworth after a lingering illness. She was the daughter of Thomas Wilson, who has been a resident of Emsworth for 30 years. Five years ago she became the wife of James M. Hilands. She was a charter member of Clifton Presbyterian Church and was always active in religious work.

Mayor James P. Geary.

LAKE CHARLES, La., Oct. 4.—James P. Geary, mayor of this city, died here on Monday, aged 63 years. He was born in Westmoreland county, Pa., and from 1857 to 1863 acted as river engineer in Pittsburg, Pa. A widow and four children survive.

Obituary Notes.

Mrs. Agnes Gough, 81 years old, formerly a resident of the Seventeenth ward, this city, is dead at the home of her son in Milwaukee. She had an extensive acquaintance in Pittsburg.

George M. Michaels, 71 years old, a resident of North Versailles township, is dead. He had at one time been tax collector, assessor and school director of the township in which he resided.

Cornelius Mooney, an old employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, is dead at his late residence, 50 Jackson street, Allegheny. A wife and three children survive.