Notes:Winebiddle Street

From Pittsburgh Streets

Source:Carlin: "Conrad Winebiddle once had a handsome home on the banks of the Allegheny. . ."

Source:Miller@34: "Winebiddle Avenue, has its name from Conrad Winebiddle whose dwelling house was on the banks of the Allegheny River between the mouth of the Two Mile Run and the present arsenal grounds. A common sight from the Winebiddle house was a fleet of canoes filled with Indians going and coming from the town below them."

Source:Regan@74: "Conrad Winebiddle owned a tannery in Lawrenceville and supplied the Continental Army with beef and leather goods. He also owned five hundred acres of land in the area of today's East End."

Source:Street-names: "Winebiddle avenue—for Conrad Winebiddle whose home was on the banks of the Allegheny river, between the mouth of Two Mile run and the present Arsenal grounds in the days when Indian canoes instead of coal barges went up and down the river."

Source:Pittsburg-and-her-people-3@112–113: "Another of the early land owners of the East Liberty Valley closely connected with Mr. Negley was John Conrad Winebiddle, another name memorialized in one of the avenues. Mr. Winebiddle came from Germany in early manhood, where he was born at Bernzabern [sic] March 11, 1741. His father and mother having been laid to rest on the other side, and being the sole survivor of the family, Mr. Winebiddle came to America possessed of considerable gold, and established a tannery on the banks of the Allegheny river, in the vicinity of Lawrenceville, about where the government arsenal was later located. His business was very prosperous and lucrative, and he invested his money largely in real estate, buying up five hundred and fifty acres. The tract which he thus acquired extended from the Lawrenceville district to Negleystown. Mr. Winebiddle married Elizabeth Weitzel, and their first home was on the Allegheny river, not far from the tannery from where the fleets of canoes filled with Cornplanter Indians sailing back and forth to the town was a frequent and interesting sight. Later the family occupied the home on Second street, now Second avenue. They had five children, four of whom lived to inherit the large estate. These were Anna Barbara Winebiddle [should this be Barbara Anna?], who married Jacob Negley; Kitty Winebiddle, who married John Roup; J. Conrad and Phillip [sic] Winebiddle. ¶ Thus were united the Winebiddle real estate interests with the already large Negley estate. Mr. Winebiddle, like Mr. Negley, was an energetic, industrious man. He died September 11, 1795, being buried in the churchyard of the First German United Evangelical Protestant church, of which he was one of the founders. His remains, with those of his wife, were later transferred to the Baum burial lot in the Allegheny cemetery. He left his beloved widow and his beloved son-in-law, Jacob Negley, the executors of his estate. Thus Jacob Negley controlled a vast region when he laid out East Liberty Valley. Mr. Negley's keen foresight is shown in the fact that as far as he could control the laying out of Penn avenue, then the Greensburg turnpike, he made it one hundred feet wide. He endeavored to prevail on all the property owners and heirs to do likewise, but did not succeed in his efforts except through the land owned by himself and his wife, that portion extending through East Liberty being a monument to his memory. Mr. Negley died March 18, 1826, and was buried in the churchyard of the United Evangelical Protestant church. His remains, being later removed, now lie beside those of his wife and children in the Negley lot in the beautiful Allegheny cemetery. ¶ Mr. Winebiddle's will, dated September 3, 1795, and recorded in the first Will Book of the county, is an interesting document. Besides dividing among his children a considerable sum of money and some slaves (slavery had not yet been abolished in Pennsylvania, only the time of servitude was limited), he left them two houses apiece in the 'Town of Pittsburg,' situate on Water, Market and Wood streets, and also, besides his farm on the bank of the river where his tannery stood, he divided between them the five hundred and fifty acres of land in what was then Pitt township. This latter tract was bounded by what is now the Allegheny cemetery, the lands of Colonel Croghan (father of the late Mrs. Schenley) and the estate of Jacob Negley, Centre avenue, the Penn railroad and the eastern Lawrenceville boundary. A significant fact is that Mr. Winebiddle's children held this latter tract almost intact until their death, when it descended to the heirs of the Winebiddle family, the Negleys, Roups and Winebiddles. Of the Winebiddles name but one representative remains, though there are many descendants."

Source:Pittsburg-and-her-people-3@243–244: "THE WINEBIDDLE FAMILY. The once numerous family of Winebiddles of the vicinity of Greater Pittsburg are of German origin. The German emigrant was John Conrad Winebiddle, born in Germany, March 11, 1741. He was one of two sons that came to America, and was possessed of much wealth, as fortunes were then counted. He came to America at the time of the Revolutionary war, attached to the English army, but was soon connected with the cause of freedom. Owing to his great wealth he was enabled to carry on large transactions with the Continental army. He came to Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg, and began purchasing cattle and supplied the Continental army with beef. He also became a tanner and supplied the army with leather and shoes for the soldiers. His tannery was located at Lawrenceville, and for some years after the war closed he continued to operate this tannery with much success. After the close of the Revolutionary struggle he commenced to purchase land in what is now the East End of Pittsburg. He had about five hundred acres, and in time it grew to be very valuable. It is now contained in the Nineteenth and Twentieth wards of the city. This land was situated east of the Allegheny cemetery and included the town of East Liberty. It is all built up with fine, costly residences and business houses of great value. ¶ Mr. Winebiddle married, in 1761, Elizabeth Weitzel, born in Pennsylvania. He died, and his wife afterward married William Cunningham, of Scotland, by whom one son was born, William. The issue of the emigrant Winebiddle and his wife Elizabeth were as follows: Anna Barbara [should this be Barbara Anna?], who married Jacob Negley (see the Negley family sketch.) Philip, born May 14, 1780, in Pittsburg, died December 14, 1871. He married September 3, 1807, Susanna Roup, daughter of Jonas and Abagail (Horr) Roup (see Roup sketch). She was born March 26, 1786, and died October 21, 1873. They were the parents of seven children, as follows: 1. Lafayette, born September 5, 1808, died August 7, 1863. 2. Elizabeth, born February 18, 1810, died in June, 1896; she married Moses Philips, born in May, 1809, died in March, 1877; they were married May 10, 1832, and had these children: Sophia, Elizabeth J., William W., Mary, Susanna R. and John R. All died without issue except William W. Philips, who was born in January, 1848, and married Mrs. Annie Donohue, and they have Florence, Lillie and William. 3. Sarah Winebiddle was born December 9, 1811, and died May 18, 1875; married January 2, 1838, George McWilliams, who died in March, 1880, aged seventy years. He was the son of Richard McWilliams, of Scotch-Irish descent, and his wife was a Miss Dunn; they had a large family, George being one of six sons. (For more concerning this man and his family see his section within this sketch hereinafter.) 4. Mary Ann Winebiddle, born April 11, 1814; married Henry Menold, September 8, 1838, and their three children are Susanna M., born June 28, 1839, married Henry C. Teeters, now deceased, without issue; Lafayette Winebiddle, born in December, 1844, married Mattie Covert, whose children were Alline L., Henry L., Lafayette, Jr., the other two are deceased; Rachel M., born in January, 1849, married Charles A. Warmcastle, and their children are: Mary M., wife of C. P. Thompson; Grace W., Laura W., Frances F., and Jennie N. 5. Rebecca R. Winebiddle, born January 31, 1819, died in 1896; married November 8, 1860, Enoch Philips. 6. William C. Winebiddle, born March 9, 1821; served in the Mexican war; unmarried; mentioned hereinafter. 7. Olive M. Winebiddle, born June 13, 1826, married, April 12, 1855, William Y. Brown, whose only child, Susanna, married William Winebiddle Baum. (See their sketch.) ¶ (II) Kittie Winebiddle, third child of John Conrad Winebiddle and wife, died October 21, 1877, aged eighty-seven years; she married, March 16, 1809, John Roup, son of Jonas and Abagail (Horr) Roup (see Roup family sketch). By this union two children were born—James, who died in infancy, and Rebecca, who married William Penn Baum (see Baum sketch). ¶ (II) John Conrad Winebiddle, Jr., son of the German emigrant and wife, married first, Olive Newton; second, Harriet Fitch Ingalls; by her first husband one child was born, Matilda [I believe this is an error: should be Eveline], who married Dr. Augustus H. Gross." Then a paragraph about George McWilliams, husband of Sarah Winebiddle, and their descendants.

Source:Negley-elpc@13–14: "ORIGINAL GRANT OF CHURCH PROPERTY ¶ Before the era of our national independence, power from the crown was delegated to the commandants of the forts to issue military grants for the improvement of lands near the forts, or on the military roads leading from one fort to another. A cut of one of these early grants, which covered the site of East Liberty Presbyterian Church, issued by Col. Boquet to Casper Taub in 1762 (two years before the blockhouse at the Point was built), is herewith reproduced [on the plate preceding p. 13], having been preserved among family records. ¶ The patent for this property was taken out in 1784, and was bequeathed by Casper Taub to his daughter Barbara, the maternal grandmother of Mrs. Barbara Anna Negley, to whom the title descended. ¶ Through the courtesy of Attorney William D. Evans, for many years a member of this congregation, this statement has been verified from the records and the following copy of the notation of the patent to Casper Taub secured. ¶ As in all early documents, allowance must be made for variation in spelling: ¶ 'November 19, 1784, then surveyed the above tract of land containing 303 acres and allowances of 6 per cent. for roads, etc., in pursuance of a copy of an order (or location) signed by the Surveyor General April 13, 1769, No. 3146 in the name of Casper Toupe Sr. on General Forbes Road about 4 miles from Pittsburgh. ¶ '(Signed) BENJ. LODGE, D. S.' ¶ It is a remarkable fact that the original grantee is, at the present time, represented in the membership of East Liberty Presbyterian Church to the eighth generation, the donor, Mrs. Barbara A. Negley, being the fourth generation in line of descent. ¶ We are gratefully indebted to the Pittsburgh Board of Trade, through Mr. J. Ralph Park, for the use of the plates which portray the Grant."

See also Notes:Evaline Street.

Source:Miller-chronicles, p. 96