Notes:Snively Way

From Pittsburgh Streets

Source:Ordinance-1910-715: "Conestoga ay., from Janero to Jackson, old 19th wd., changed to Casanova ay., 11th wd. ¶ . . . ¶ Sharp ay., from Euclid av. to St. Clair, old 19th wd., changed to Snively ay., 11th wd."

Source:Ordinance-1910-716: "Casanova ay., from Janiero to Jackson, 11th wd., formerly Conestoga ay. ¶ . . . ¶ Conestoga, from city line, to prop. line, 20th wd. ¶ . . . ¶ Sharp ay., from Samantha to Chislett, 11th wd. ¶ . . . ¶ Snively ay., from Euclid to St. Clair, 11th wd., formerly Sharp ay."

Source:Hopkins-1924-vol-3 shows J. E[dgar] Snively as the owner of a house abutting Sharp Alley (on Hays Street three houses east of Euclid Avenue) and the only owner of adjacent property at that time whose name began with the letter S. But this cannot really be the source of the name, because Snively bought this property on January 27, 1921: Pittsburg Press, Feb. 2, 1921, p. 6 ( 145636239).