Notes:Market Place

From Pittsburgh Streets

To do

  • Source:Riddle-murray [1819]: "Diamond, bet'n. 4th and 5th sts. and Liberty and Wood sts. containing the Court house, Market house, &c. / Diamond alley, from Liberty to Grant streets, through the centre of the Diamond. . . . Hammond alley, see Diamond alley. . . . Union street, from the N. W. corner of the Diamond to 5th street."
  • Source:Jones [1826]: "Union do. [street] N. W. corner of the Diamond to 5th. . . . Courts. . . . M'Masters' ' [Court] N. side of Diamond alley, between W. [Wood] & Smithfield."
  • Source:Harris [1837]: "Market st. width 40 feet, runs from the Monongahela to Liberty through the Public Square. . . . Union st. width 35 feet, runs from the N. W. corner of Diamond to Fifth street. . . . Diamond alley, width 20 feet, runs from Liberty to Grant, through the Public Square."
  • Source:Thurston-1856, Source:Thurston-1860, Source:Thurston-1862, Source:Thurston-1863: No mention of Union Street.
  • Source:Thurston-1864, Source:Thurston-1865: "UNION, from Market House to Fifth, bt Market and Liberty, 1st ward"
  • Source:Woods [1867]: "Union, from Market House to Fifth, bt Market and Liberty, 1st ward."
  • Source:Thurston-1870: "UNION, from Market House to Fifth av, bt Market and Liberty"
  • Source:Benson [1875]: "UNION, from Market house to Fifth av, bt Market and Liberty av"
  • Source:Thurston-diffenbacher-1875: "There being so many changes to be made in the names of Streets during the Summer of 1874, that it was deemed inadvisable to make—that year—any corrections in the Street Directory. 1st.—Because the names obtained now will ultimately, in many instances, be changed from those now proposed. 2d.—Because the new names not being familiar to the residents on them, they would give the old names of the streets, which would not be found, and so confuse and mislead. Those changes not having yet been fully made, but being still under advisement, no changes are this year made in the Street Directory for the same reasons as last year. . . . UNION, from Market house to Fifth av, bt Market and Liberty av"
  • Source:Thurston-diffenbacher-1876: "Union, from Fifth ave. to Diamond square, 1st ward."
  • Source:Diffenbacher-1880, Source:Diffenbacher-1881: "Union, from Liberty ave. to Diamond square, 1st ward." No mention of Market Alley in the Triangle, just "Market ay., from Thirty-eighth to Thirty-ninth, 15th ward."
  • Source:Diffenbacher-1882: "Old and New Names of Streets lately changed. . . . Market ay., 3d wd., now Masters ay. / Market ay., 15th wd., now Mineral ay. / Market ay., 16th wd., now Meteor ay. . . . Street Directory. . . . Masters ay., from Fifth ave. to East Diamond, formerly Market ay., 3d ward. . . . Union, from Liberty ave. to Diamond sq., 1st ward."
  • Source:Diffenbacher-1885, Source:Diffenbacher-1887, Source:Diffenbacher-1888: "Diamond square, intersection of Diamond and Market sts., 1st and 3d wards. . . . Masters ay., from Fifth ave. to Diamond square, 3d ward. . . . Union, from Liberty ave. to Diamond sq., 1st ward."
  • Source:Diffenbacher-1889: "East Diamond, from North Diamond to South Diamond, 1st and 3d wards. . . . Masters ay., from Fifth ave. to East Diamond square, 3d ward. . . . North Diamond, from East Diamond to West Diamond, 1st ward. . . . South Diamond, from West Diamond to East Diamond, 1st and 3d wards. . . . Union, from Liberty ave. to Diamond sq., 1st ward. . . . West Diamond, from North Diamond to South Diamond, 1st ward."
  • Source:Diffenbacher-1890: "East Diamond, from North Diamond to South Diamond, 1st and 3d wards. . . . Masters ay., from Fifth ave. to East Diamond, 3d ward. . . . North Diamond, from East Diamond to West Diamond, 1st ward. . . . South Diamond, from West Diamond to East Diamond, 1st and 3d wards. . . . Union, from Liberty ave. to Diamond sq., 1st ward. . . . West Diamond, from North Diamond to South Diamond, 1st ward."
  • Source:Polk-1900, Source:Polk-1901, Source:Polk-1902: "DIAMOND SQUARE, between Fourth and Fifth aves, from Union to Masters way, 1st and 3d wards. . . . MASTERS WAY, from 208 Fifth ave to Diamond sq, 3d ward. . . . UNION, from 8 Fifth ave to Diamond sq, 1st ward."

Confusion in 1910 ordinances: no. 715 reads, "East Diamond, from Marjorie to Byng, old 1st and 3d wds., changed to Drummond, 1st wd. . . . Masters way, from 5th av. to Byng, old 1st wd., changed to Drummond, 1st wd. . . . North Diamond, from Graeme to Drummond, old 1st wd., changed to Byng, 1st wd. . . . South Diamond, from Graeme to Drummond, old 1st and 3d wds., changed to Majorie [sic], 1st wd. . . . Union, from Liberty av. to Byng, old 1st wd., changed to Graeme, 1st wd. . . . West Diamond, from Marjorie to Byng, old 1st wd., changed to Graeme, 1st wd." But no. 716 reads, "Byng, from Graeme to Drummond, 1st wd., formerly East [should be North] Diamond. . . . Drummond, from Fifth av. to Marjorie, 1st wd., formerly Masters way and South [should be East] Diamond. . . . Graeme, from Liberty av. to Marjorie, 1st wd., formerly N. [should be W.] Diamond-Union. . . . Marjorie, from Graeme to Drummond, 1st wd., formerly West [should be South] Diamond."

To do

  • "The same ordinance also changed the names of Moody, Weiser, Stobo, and Burd Streets in Allegheny back to North, East, South, and West Diamond Streets, respectively." — Check this: were Moody, Weiser, Stobo, and Burd fully renamed, or only parts of those streets?