Notes:Highland Drive

From Pittsburgh Streets

To do

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, seen in early Hopkins atlases.

1906-11-09: Source:Blocks-scheme:

Director James W. Clark, of the department of public works, denied that the Highland Cemetery Co. was trying to get city property. He said the company had bought what was known as the Schoenberger farm several years ago. This property adjoins the Leech farm, which is on the hill above the Brilliant pumping station and across the Beechwood boulevard from Highland Park.

The Leech farm and another tract of land lying adjacent to it, comprising in all 100 acres, were given to the city by the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. a few years ago in return for the rights for the Brilliant cutoff. This property has never been developed and there is no likelihood that it will be for years to come.

1909-06-23 ( 141368461): "SITE FOR HOSPITAL. ¶ Mayor Magee has been offered a site for the proposed tuberculosis hospital. The ground is situated on an eminence in the East End section, high above the smoke and within riding distance from the downtown section of the city."

1909-08-19: Source:Ask-quarter-million: "The site of the proposed hospital is the Leech farm, comprising over 100 acres, and forming a high and somewhat broken plateau stretching back from the Brilliant cut-off opposite Highland parak [sic]. The farm is owned by the city and is admirably adapted for the purpose. With proper attention the part surrounding the hospital can be made a beautiful park, while the remaining acres can be utilized for truck gardening."

To do

Opposition to tuberculosis hospital; Bigelow claims that Leech farm was acquired for park purposes.

  • 1909-11-05: 141314677
  • 1909-11-17: 141328005
  • 1909-11-18: 86422889
  • [1909-12-03 ( 86425212): no Bigelow; "The health department still is strongly in favor of building a municipal tuberculosis hospital on the Leech farm opposite Highland park. Director Walters says there are very few objections to the site, while it is in many ways an ideal spot for the purpose. Unless a better site is offered, he says, no other location will be considered."]
  • [1910-01-16 ( 141326323): design prepared; illustration.]
  • [1911-01-26: "Seek new site for hospital" ( 87687686) – reason not clear.]
  • [1911-01-26: "Dr. Walters insists on Leech farm site" ( 85885950)]
  • [1911-03-22: 86500253 – article complaining that nothing has been done.]
  • 1911-03-23: 142721380
  • 1911-03-24: 86500294
  • [1911-04-14: 86504673 – considering Marshalsea instead.]
  • [1911-05-18: 86505273 – another article complaining about delay.]
  • [1911-08-05: 85725518 – site on Morningside Road.]
  • [1911-08-19: 86549195 – about 25 sites offered to city; Walters still favors Leech farm.]
  • 1911-10-28: 87356236
  • 1911-11-21: 86479079, 143415810
  • [1912-12-05: "Argument over hospital site" ( 143981367) – doesn't mention Leech farm but two other sites]
  • 1913-02-02: 87975691, 87975757
  • 1913-02-11: 87976590
  • 1913-02-12: 87976654, 87976656

1913 ordinances for tuberculosis hospital on Leech farm:

  • No. 77 (approved 2013-02-24), prepare plans and estimates.
  • No. 185 (approved 2013-05-05, 87976854, 87976918), contract for supervision of construction.
  • No. 186 (approved 2013-05-05, 87976854, 87976918), advertise for bids and award contract.
  • No. 368 (approved 2013-09-13), contract for water pipe.
  • No. 381 (approved 2013-10-01), contract for sanitary sewer.

Tuberculosis hospital opened in 1915: formal opening Sept. 23 ( 88047270, Source:Citys-tuberculosis-hospital-opened, Source:New-tuberculosis-hospital-is-opened), actual opening Sept. 30 (Source:Tuberculosis-hospital-open-to-public).

1921-08-27: Leech Farm Road mentioned, 85774902, 87632741.

1974-09-09: Source:Municipal-record-1974, p. 393: "The Chair presented ¶ No. 1181. Communication from P. Stajduhar, M. D., Director, Veterans Administration Hospital, requesting changing the name of Leech Farm Road to Highland Drive. ¶ Which was read and referred to the Committee on Public Works."

1975-06-08: Source:Leech-farm-hospital: "Local authorities had changed the name of Leech Farm Road to Highland Drive."

1978-11-11: Source:Leonard-hospital: "Psychiatric takes in, of course, drug and mental patients, most of whom are treated at Highland Drive. 'We changed it to Highland Drive,' Delaney said, 'because Leech Farm had a connotation of funny farm.'"

2014-02-03: David Templeton, "3 properties in region listed as endangered," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, pp. B-1, B-5 ( 96358001, 96358005): "Built as a neuropsychiatric hospital campus, the veterans facility was called the Leech Farm Road Hospital when dedicated in 1953, with 951 beds and additional space for research. In 1975, the hospital located just off Washington Boulevard near the Highland Park Bridge was converted into the Highland Drive Division and eventually included more than 20 buildings."