
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Speak-easies raided: Beer and other liquors found in three different places." Pittsburg Post, July 29, 1895, p. 6. 86379666.

Beer and Other Liquors Found in Three Different Places.

Police Captain Denniston and Lieutenant Scott closed up three "speak-easies" yesterday about noon. One of them was run by Anthony Manion at 218 Penn avenue. Manion was on the police force about a year ago. The second house raided was at 18 Diamond street, or, rather, in Chicken alley, a court running off that street. The house is rented by Mrs. Marie Carrol and her sister, Sadie Lightner. A sub-tenant is Bessie McCutcheon, in whose room a lot of liquor was found.

The third place was that of Morris Gilbert, a Russian Jew, who is a peddler, and lives in the rear of 44 Tunnel street.