
From Pittsburgh Streets

Henry M. Watts and Chas. S. Bradford. "Public sale of real estate." Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, Sept. 30, 1833, [p. 3]. 96011025.

Public Sale of Real Estate.

IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court, of the county of Allegheny, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Monday, the 21st day of October next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the following described Real Estate, late the property of Oliver Ormsby, deceased, viz:—

1st. All that certain piece of land, situate in St. Clair township, on the Brownsville road, between 3 and 4 miles from the city of Pittsburgh, now occupied by Mrs. Nelson. This tract contains 49 acres, and 144 perches. There are upon it about 35 acres of cleared land; a substantial hewed log house, two stories high, and a fine bank of coal. It is bounded by land late of Henry Baldwin and others, and is part of a tract formerly owned by Fulton, and which was divided among the said Oliver Ormsby, Henry Baldwin, and William Wilkins.

2d. All that certain tract of land, situate on the south side of the Monongahela river, in Mifflin township, now occupied by Fergus Dempsey and George Ramsey. This tract contains, by the patent, 209¾ acres, and is bounded by land of Johnston Glass, Daniel Reisher, heirs of Robert Hays, Joseph West, and others, and by the river. There are about 150 acres of bottom land on this tract; the well known Ferry, called 'The Six Mile Ferry,' is also upon it. Nearly all the bottom land is cleared. The buildings are as follows, viz:—a log tavern house and barn at the Ferry, and a large frame barn, and a frame dwelling house upon the part occupied by George Ramsey. If desired by purchasers, the tract would be sold in two parts, to be divided by the run.

☞ The titles to these tracts are indisputable.—Any information, respecting the land, or the titles, can be obtained from the subscribers. Terms at sale.


Administrators of Oliver Ormsby, deceased.

September 30—ts