Pittsburgh is to be enlarged by the annexation of the Fourth and Fifth wards of Brookline, situated in Baldwin township, back of the South hills. The electors of the two wards yesterday voted 37 to 15 in favor of annexation. The light vote was due partly to the distance of the homes of many of the voters from the polls and partly to inclement weather.
All that is now needed to make the district part of Pittsburgh will be the confirmation of the election by the court. About two months ago council passed an ordinance, which was signed by Mayor Magee, giving the city's consent to the annexation of the two Brookline wards. The annexed portion will be made part of the Nineteenth ward.
The principal motive back of annexation on the part of residents of the section was to obtain better school facilities. Some of the children now attend schools in the city, as they are remote from the Baldwin township schools. The election was held in the Fair Haven school house. Fair Haven, Reflectorville and other small places are included in the district which voted to become part of Pittsburgh.