
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance accepting the dedication of certain property in the Sixth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public use for highway purposes for the opening of a street from Railroad street to a property line 432 feet northwardly therefrom, opening and naming the same 'Twenty-nine and a Half street,' fixing the width and position of the sidewalk, roadway, and berm, and establishing the grade thereof." Pittsburgh city ordinance, 1947, no. 106. Passed Mar. 17, 1947; approved Mar. 28, 1947. Ordinance Book 54, p. 603. In Municipal Record: Minutes of the Proceedings of the Council of the City of Pittsburgh: For the Year 1947, appendix, pp. 63–64, City Printing Company, Pittsburgh (Internet Archive Pghmunicipalrecord1947).

No. 106

AN ORDINANCE—ACCEPTING the dedication of certain property in the Sixth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public use for highway purposes for the opening of a street from Railroad street to a property line 432 feet northwardly therefrom, opening and naming the same "Twenty-nine and a Half street," fixing the width and position of the sidewalk, roadway, and berm, and establishing the grade thereof.

Whereas, The City of Pittsburgh has entered into an agreement with J. K. Davison & Bro. and Crucible Steel Company of America relating to the vacation of a portion of Thirtieth street, extending from Railroad street in a northerly direction toward the Allegheny River to points south of the right-of-way of the Pittsburgh Junction Railroad Company and the dedication and conveyance of property by Crucible Steel Company of America from Railroad street to the property of J. K. Davison & Bro. and convering certain conditions arising from and pertinent to such vacation and dedication, such agreement having been entered into on October 9, 1946, pursuant to Ordinance No. 304, approved July 10, 1946, authorizing the same, and

Whereas, The Crucible Steel Company of America has dedicated to the City of Pittsburgh the property for opening the new street along the westerly line of their property from Railroad street to the property of J. K. Davison and Bro. as a part of the above cited agreement, by Deed dated August 2, 1946, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Allegheny County on December 19, 1946, Therefore,

The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:

Section 1. That the said Deed of Dedication shall be and the same is hereby accepted.

Section 2. The ground so as aforesaid conveyed to said City for highway purposes shall be and the same is hereby appropriated and opened as a public highway and named "Twenty-nine and a Half street," the same being bounded and described as follows, to-wit:

BEGINNING on the northerly line of Railroad street at the line dividing properties of the City and Crucible Steel Company of America, located 192 feet west of the west line of 30th street; thence along said dividing line North 42° 1′ West, 432 feet to the line dividing the properties of Crucible and J. K. Davison & Bro.; thence along the last described property line North 47° 59′ East, 40 feet to a point; thence South 42° 1′ East, 403 feet to a point of curve; thence by the arc of a circle deflecting to the left with a radius of 29 feet, a central angle of 90° for an arc distance of 45.55 feet to a point of tangent on the northerly line of Railroad street; thence South 47° 59′ West along the northerly line of Railroad street, 69 feet to the place of beginning.

Section 3. The westerly sidewalk shall have a general width of 7 feet, lying along and contiguous to the westerly street line.

The roadway shall have a general width of 30 feet lying east of and contiguous to the above described westerly sidewalk.

The easterly berm shall have a general width of 3 feet, lying between the above described roadway and the easterly street line.

Section 4. The grade of the center line of the roadway shall begin at the northerly line of Railroad street at an elevation of 734.64 feet (present paving); thence shall rise at the rate of 0.80% for a distance of 248.60 feet to a point of curve to an elevation of 736.63 feet; thence by a convex parabolic curve for a distance of 60 feet to a point of tangent to an elevation of 735.82 feet; thence shall fall at the rate of 3.50% for a distance of 123.40 feet to the northerly terminus at the southerly line of property of J. K. Davison & Bro. to an elevation of 731.50 feet.

Section 5. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance, conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed March 17, 1947.

Approved March 28, 1947.

Ordinance Book 54, Page 603.