
From Pittsburgh Streets

No. 274

AN ORDINANCE—Changing the names of certain streets and alleys in the Twenty-sixth Ward (formerly Spring Garden Borough).

Section 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the names of certain streets and alleys in the Twenty-sixth Ward (formerly Spring Garden Borough), shall be and the same are hereby changed as follows, to-wit:


Name [sic]

Ann street, from North Line A. Reineman Plan, to South Line A. Reineman Plan, changed to Fall street.

Columbus street, from Spring Garden avenue, to Jenners street (Jacob street), changed to Lopella street.

Emanuel street, from Haug street, to Emanuel way, changed to High street.

Fourth alley, from West Line Havekotte Plan, to City Line, changed to Fuer way.

Gebert street, from Emanuel way, to North Line J. Herchenroether Plan, changed to Gebhart street.

Gerst street, from Damas street, to Haug street, changed to Govans street.

Gerst street, from South Line A. Reineman Plan, to North Line A. Reineman Plan, changed to Govans street.

Grant street, from Schubert street (School street), to Lopella street (Columbus street), changed to Schurz street.

Henrietta street, from Reischner street (Henrietta street), to Hammer street (Henrietta street), changed to Grade street.

Henrietta street, from Grade street (Henrietta street), to City Line, changed to Hammer street.

Henrietta street, from Spring Garden avenue, to Grade street (Henrietta street), changed to Reischner street.

Jacob street, from Lopella street (Columbus street), to 590 feet north, changed to Jenners street.

Laurel alley, from Borough street, to City Line, changed to Alig way.

Lincoln street, from Woelfel way, to Schubert street (School street), changed to High street.

Lincoln street, from Lopella street (Columbus street), to 413 feet north, changed to Lindell street.

Maria street, from Emanuel way, to Borough street (Quarry street), changed to High street.

Maud street, from Spring Garden avenue, to City Line, changed to Mauch street.

Miles street, Fall way, to E. Line C. Hetzel Plan, changed to Mandlin street.

Quarry street, from Spring Garden avenue, to Heber way, changed to Borough street.

Reppel street, from Spring Garden avenue, to Lindell street (Lincoln street), changed to Reppel way.

Reserve street, from Reischner street (Henrietta street), to North Line C. Beckert Plan, changed to Grade street.

Roosevelt street, from Spring Garden avenue, to City Line, changed to Baun road.

School street, from Spring Garden avenue, to West Line A. Kohler Plan, changed to Schubert street.

Seventh alley, from West Line Havekotte Plan, to City Line, changed to Sieben way.

Strawberry alley, from Alig way (Laurel alley), to City Line, changed to Reutz way.

Section 2. That any Ordinance or part of Ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as the same affects this Ordinance.

Passed June 9, 1924.

Approved June 14, 1924.

Ordinance Book 35, Page 463.