
From Pittsburgh Streets

"An ordinance establishing the grade of the streets and alleys in the Borough of East Birmingham." East Birmingham borough ordinance, 1851. Approved Dec. 6, 1851. In ordinance book of the Borough of East Birmingham, 1849–1872 (

An Ordinance establishing the grade of the Streets and Alleys in the Borough of East Birmingham

Section 1st Be it Ordained and enacted by the citizens of East Birmingham in Council assembled That the grades of First or Water Street, Second or Clifton Street, Third or Wharton Street, Fourth or Sidney Street, Fifth or Carson Street, Sixth or Sarah Street, Seventh or Jane Street, Eighth or Mary Street, Ninth or Josephine Street, Short Street, Cross Street, Rebecca Street, Barry Hall Street, McClurg Street, Brown Street, Oliver Street, Caroline Street, Phillips Street, Page Street, Rail Road Street, John Street, Joseph Street, Meadow Street, and Harmony Street, and Merrymans Alley, Fox Alley, Wrights Alley, Careys Alley, Larkins Alley, Harcums Alley, and Edwards Alley, Shall be and they are Each hereby permanantly [sic] fixed and established as designated on the three Several plans, Marked A. B. and C. each bearing date October 14th 1851 and Signed R. E. McGowin Rec. Regulation

Section 2nd Be it further enacted, That the Clerk of Council after the proper acknowledgement, be and is hereby directed to certify on Said plans A. B. & C. their approveal [sic] by Council

Sect 3rd Be it further enacted That the grades hereby established Shall be recorded in the office for recording deeds &c. under the direction of the Burgess

Section 4th And be it further enacted by the authority of the Same That an ordinance passed the 12th day of July, 1857 Setion [sic] first in regard of ten feet Side walks, on Sixty feet streets is hereby repealed, and that Sixty feet Streets, the Side walks shall be twelve feet wide to correspond with the plan of grades of the borough of East Birmingham approved December [Seveth?] A. D. 1851 bearing date October 14th A. D. 1851 and Signed R. E. McGowin Rec. Regulator

Approved this Sixth day of December A. D. 1851

John Lee Clk. Burgess