
From Pittsburgh Streets

"Desirable lots at auction." Daily Pittsburgh Gazette, June 9, 1851, [p. 4]. 85648931.

Desirable Lots at Auction.—To-day, at one o'clock, P. M., will be sold at auction some most beautiful locations for private residences. The lots are situated on the West Common, Allegheny, on what was formerly Western Theological Seminary property. They front on Ridge street, which is sixty feet wide, having the open commons on the opposite side of the street, thus giving a fine, open, airy front, which can never be obstructed, and which will in a few years be adorned with trees and shrubbery. Ridge street extends from the east side of West Common, in a nearly west direction to the Ohio river, and is now opening, and will soon be graded and paved. It will make decidedly the finest street in the city, being the most elevated, the ground descending from each side, and yet being of an easy grade. It will also be the most direct thoroughfare from the Ferries across the Ohio river at Temperanceville, to the Diamond of Allegheny. The city has ordered the water pipes to be laid on Ridge street, in front of the lots offered for sale, and as the interest is only required on the purchase money, we expect to see the bidding very spirited for this very desirable property.