
From Pittsburgh Streets

Death Record. Pittsburg Press, June 23, 1908, p. 4. 142192495.


Fred Zeumer.

Fred Zeumer, aged 88 years, one of the oldest men of the upper North Side, died yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. William E. Zeumer, No. 1831 Beaver avenue, after a short illness caused by disease due to old age. He was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, and lived there until 20 years ago when he came to the North Side. He had since made his home with his sone and since the latter's death with his dauther-in-law, now the proprietor of the Hotel Zeumer. For many years Mr. Zeumer was in the tin business at Harrison, Hamilton county, a short distance below Cincinnati. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. Laura Doyle, of Chanute, Kas., and Miss Jennie Zeumer, of Indianapolis.

Mrs. Jane Reed O'Donel.

Mrs. Jane Reed O'Donel, aged 93 years, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Fickeisen, No. 3718 Boquet street. She was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, and was the granddaughter of John Reed and Elizabeth Irwin, who came to this country in 1798, and bought a large tract of land near Darlington, Beaver county, part of which is still in the possession of the family. The father of Mrs. O'Donel was James Reed, who was reared on the farm, but after the war of 1812 in which he took part, moved to this city and bought a house at Sixth avenue and Smithfield street, the present site of the American National Bank. Her husband, who died many years ago, was a leading contractor of his time. Mrs. O'Donel was the oldest member of the First Presbyterian Church. Besides her daughter she laves a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Joseph A. Hoeveler.

Joseph A. Hoeveler, aged 56 years, a lifelong resident of this city and a member of a prominent family, died yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 321 Melwood avenue, East End, after a short illness of pneumonia. He was born in the East End and was the son of the late Augustus Hoeveler, a brother of the man in honor of whom Hoeveler street in the East End was named. For many years he engaged in the pork business, but at the time of his death conducted a real estate business, with offices in the Berger Building. He was a member of St. Paul's Cathedral, and leaves his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoeveler. Besides his widow he leaves a brother, W. A. Hoeveler of Fifth avenue, and a sister, Mrs. R. S. Kennedy, of St. Paul, Minn.

L. B. Lockard.

Information was received here yesterday of the death of L. B. Lockard, the supreme protector of the Knights and Ladies of Honor, which occurred at his home in Toledo on Sunday night. He had been a member of that order for 30 years and for the past 20 years its head. He was a widower, 70 years old. Until comparatively a few years ago he had been connected with the Standard Oil Co. from his youth, having been stationed in Bradford and Franklin in a responsible position. His brother is one of the officials of that company. Mr. Lockard's death will be regretted by an army of people who are connected with the order in which he had lately given practically all his time. He will be buried tomorrow at Hanoverton, Columbiana county, Ohio, his former home.

Prof. Rimsky-Korsakoff.

St. Petersburg, June 23.—The death of Professor Rimsky-Korsakoff, which occurred at his country estate, has caused a deep impression in the musical world in St. Petersburg. The opera "Pikovtianka," presented at the Imperial Opera in 1873, was the first of a long series which he produced and which included "Sadko," one of the favorites of the Russian stage, and "Snegouruchka," which is now meeting with considerable success in Paris. The librettos of M. Rimsky-Korsakoff, usually, were taken from Russian folklore.

His last work, entitled "Legends of Kitezeh," was presented last season at Moscow. He continued writing until recently, in spite of sufferings which he endured from paroxysms of asthma. He was 64 years of age.

Mrs. Emiline L. Shirrey.

Mrs. Emiline Laughline Shirrey, aged 65 years, is dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Golden, North Bessemer, near Verona. She was born in Indiana county and in 1858 married David Shirrey, who died in 1907. She was a member of the First United Presbyterian Church. Surviving are the following children: Robert C. Shirrey of Export, Mrs. Mary Wagner of Conway, Mrs. Jennie Ripple of Hite, Mrs. Fannie Brunner of Trussel, Mrs. Elizabeth C. Herrmann of Clarksville and Mrs. Golden.

William Forsythe.

William Forsythe, aged 69 years, for 42 years a resident of Brinton, died yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Quinlan of Edgewood. He was born in Ireland, but came to this country 42 years ago and settled at Brinton, where he resided until recently when he went to live with his daughter. For many years after coming to this country he was engaged in the coal business, but retired several years ago. He was a member of St. Anselm's Roman Catholic Church, Swissvale, and is survived by four daughters and one son.

Mrs. Mary Ann Nailor.

Mrs. Mary Ann Nailor, the oldest negress in McKeesport, is dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martha Culley, of the rear of 1342 Walnut street, where she had lived for the last 20 years. Mrs. Nailor was born at Connellsville 91 years ago. She leaves but one daughter, Mrs. Culley, 14 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

General Albert Hartsuff.

Detroit, June 23.—Brigadier General Albert Hartsuff, U. S. A., retired, died suddenly yesterday from heart disease. He was a brother of the late Major General George Hartsuff and the late General William Hartsuff. He served in the medical department during the Civil war, aided in putting down a yellow fever epidemic at New Orleans at its close, and then went West and took a prominent part in a number of Indian campaigns.

Andrew Young.

For many years on the retired list of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Andrew Young, aged 87 years, is dead at his home, No. 3314 Ruthven street, Thirteenth ward. He had been ill for nearly a year. Mr. Young had been in the employ of the railroad for over 45 years as a repairman. Three children, John Young, Mrs. Mary C. Wright and Mrs. F. Liebold, and 10 grandchildren survive.

Joseph F. Harber.

Youngstown, O., June 23.—Joseph F. Harber, aged 90 years, one of the pioneer residents of this city, is dead here. Four children survive, among whom is Captain Giles B. Harber, in command of the United States battleship Maine, now on its way to the Orient.

Mrs. Mary Michel.

Mrs. Mary Michel, aged 82 years, died at the Protestant Home for Incurables, in the Eighteenth ward, at 5 o'clock yesterday morning. She had been at the home for about four years.