
From Pittsburgh Streets
Ordinance to Change Name of Virgin Alley to Be Taken Up

In pursuance of the suggestion made by The Press to change the name of Virgin alley to Oliver avenue, an effort is being made by councilmen to have the ordinance to this effect become a law before the reorganization of the municipal legislative bodies in April. The ordinance introduced in Common Council Friday night was referred to the surveys committee. A special meeting of this committee will likely be held the early part of this week to act upon the measure, so that the ordinance may be referred back to council at the earliest possible date.

In speaking of the alteration in name, former Governor William A. Stone had this to say yesterday:

"I have followed with great interest the proposal to change the name of Virgin alley to Oliver avenue, and I am convinced it is perfectly the right thing to do. Henry W. Oliver was the foremost man of the city, and for years was a large employer of labor. He was an enterprising man, and pushed forward a great many enterprises that benefited many others than himself. The only thing that is to be regretted in connection with the proposition is that the street is not a longer and wider one—one of more prominence—which would make the perpetuation of the name of Mr. Oliver even more in keeping with his achievements in this city.

"While there many be some historic connection with the name that the alley now bears, more would be gained by perpetuating the name of Mr. Oliver than any historic event that may be attached to the street through the occupancy of this place centuries ago by the French.

"Personally I would be in favor of erecting statues and monuments to men of the type of Mr. Oliver. The fact of the matter is we have some very great men in Pittsburg—men whose names are known the world over for the things they have done and the enterprises they have promoted. Mr. Oliver is one of these men. It would be more fitting and consistent to erect monuments to men of this type, who in private life have benefited thousands and thousands, than to erect monuments to public officials, who have performed the simple duty required of them."