
From Pittsburgh Streets

Victor Collot. Plan of the Town of Pittsburg. 1826. In Victor Collot, A Journey in North America: Containing a survey of the countries watered by the Mississipi [sic], Ohio, Missouri, and other affluing rivers; with exact observations on the course and soundings of these rivers; and on the towns, villages, hamlets and farms of that part of the New-World; followed by philosophical, political, military and commercial remarks and by a projected line of frontiers and general limits: Illustrated by 36 maps, plans, views and divers cuts, vol. 2 (atlas), plate 6, Arthur Bertrand, Paris, 1826 (Historic Pittsburgh 31735061295659).; 1796 layer at Pittsburgh Historic Maps ( Reproduced in Stefan Lorant, Pittsburgh: The story of an American city, 5th (Millennium) ed., p. 93, Esselmont Books, Pittsburgh, 1999, ISBN 0-967-41030-4 (LCCN 99-066641).