
From Pittsburgh Streets

City Water Works.—In the Select Council, on the 8th instant, the following resolutions were read three times, and passed, viz:

Resolved, That the Watering Committee be and they are hereby, authorized to contract with and purchase from the following persons the following described pieces of ground, provided that the titles to the same shall be satisfactory to the City Solicitor, and provided that theown ers [sic] thereof shall be willing to receive certificates of loan, bearing six per cent. interest per annum, payable half yearly, and not redeemable in less than five years, in payment for the same:

From the Executors of James O'Hara, part of out lot No. 1, bounded and described as follows—beginning at the corner of Elm and Prospect streets, running thence north 25 deg. west to an Alley at the base of the bluff 125 feet; thence along said Alley to a pin opposite the northeast corner of lot No. 55, in Denny's plan, 331 feet; thence across the end of said Alley 20 feet to the corner of lot No. 55; thence along the line of the same 161 feet 11½ inches to the Manor line; thence along the Manor line 175 feet 9 inches; thence south 25 deg. east to Prospect st. 535 feet, and along the same to the place of beginning 509 feet 10 inches, for the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars.

From James Adams, a piece of ground in the Fifth ward, described as follows: beginning at a pin at the intersection of the Manor line and the line of lot No. 55, in Denny's plan, running thence by the line of said lot to Quarry street: 30 feet ½ inch; thence along Quarry street to a brick house about 116 feet; thence, at right angles, from Quarry street to the Manor line, and thence along the same to the place of beginning, for the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars.

From Alex. Laughlin, a piece of ground in the Fifth ward, described as follows: beginning at the corner of O'Hara street and the Allegheny river, at low water mark; thence running along O'Hara to Etna streets; thence along Etna street about 112 feet to an Alley, to be laid out by the city 20 feet wide, thence by the line of said Alley ⸻ feet to the Allegheny river, at low water mark, and thence along the same to the place of beginning, being one equal half part of the lot [including the said Alley] owned by the said A. Laughlin, and bounded by O'Hara, Etna, and Washington streets, and the Allegheny river, for the sum of twelve thousand five hundred dollars.

Resolved, That the Watering Committe [sic] be, and they are hereby, directed to present to the Councils an Ordinance authorizing the issue of the said certificates of loan as soon as the contracts shall be completed.

Resolved, That the Watering Committee be authorized to contract with the executors of Jas. O'Hara for the purchase of a piece of ground, being a part of out lot No. 1, and described as follows: beginning at the corner of Prospect st. and the street in front of Metcalf's house, running thence to the Manor line 435 feet; thence along the same 300 feet; thence, at right angles, 535 feet to Prospect street, and along the same 300 feet to the place of beginning, upon similar terms to the purchase proposed by the Committee this day.