
From Pittsburgh Streets

The Rescue.—The Rescue Hose, Hook and Ladder Company, of the Eighth Ward, have secured a house for their apparatus on Gibbon street, and took possession of it on Friday.

In Service Again.—The hose carriage of the Duquesne Fire Company, which has been undergoing repairs, was placed in service again on Saturday.

Republican Executive Committee.—A meeting of the County Republican Executive Committee will be held this morning, at ten o'clock, at Alderman Sutherland's office.

The Firemen's Celebration.—The Allegheny Fire Company, of this city, will hold a meeting this evening to make arrangements to attend the firemen's celebration at Zanesville, Ohio.

Temperance Lecture.—Mr. J. Henry Venier, who is lecturing under the auspices of John B. Gough, will deliver a lecture to-night before the Boyden Lodge of Good Templars, at their Hall in Allegheny. Members of sister lodges are respectfully invited to attend.

Workingmen's Meeting at Saw Mill Run.—A mass meeting of workingmen was held at Saw Mill Run, about half a mile above Temperanceville, on Saturday evening. Speeches were made by Messrs. Matthews, White, Krepps and others. The establishment of a labor party was urged by nearly all the speakers.

Skiff Race.—A skiff race took place on the Monongahela river, on Saturday evening, between J. B. Leo and David Dickey in one boat, and Wm. Boyer and John Hazlett in another. The distance rowed was from Ferry street to the Suspension Bridge and return, and the race, which was closely contested, was won by the former parties in 7:10.

The Allegheny Arson Case.—Debold Flockenscheir and Mark Oberdoble, charged on oath of Conrad Wagner with arson, had a hearing before Justice Arent, of the Seventh ward, Allegheny, on Friday afternoon. Being unable to produce the witness Klein, there was no evidence to give, and the accused were accordingly discharged.

District Court—Commissioner Appointed—On Saturday, by order of Court, John McClaren, Esq., was appointed a Commissioner of the Court to take depositions to be read upon the hearing of causes, and upon motions, rules, petitions and other matters to be brought before the Court, with power to administer oaths, under the provisions of the Act of 29th of May, 1840.

Country Homes.—Mansfield B. Brown, Esq., has divided seventy acres of his valuable farm, in the vicinity of Mansfield, on the Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad, into lots of three, five and ten acres each, and will offer them at public sale to-morrow morning at eleven o'clock. The location of these lots for country residences is unexcelled in the county, and should they meet with a ready sale.

Serious Accident.—A lad named Lighthill was seriously injured on Saturday by being run over by a car on the Troy Hill Passenger Railway. He had taken passage on the car, and upon arriving at Madison avenue, attempted to get off the front platform, when his foot slipped and he fell upon the track, one wheel passing over his left thigh, crushing it badly. He was removed to a drug store on Ohio street, where his injuries were dressed, after which he was carried to the residence of his mother, in the Fourth ward.

Petitions Filed.—The following petitions for adjudication, were filed in the bankruptcy branch of the United States District Court, on Saturday:

Wm. Shields, borough of Bloody Run, Bradford County, Pa.

M. Chapin, City of Erie, Erie county, Pa.

Robert Watson, Lawrenceville, Allegheny county, Pa.

Ezekiel L. Halsted filed a petition against Philip Mast and Louis M. Auerback, of Blossburg, Tioga county, Pa.

The General Grant Fire Company.—This company has recently been reorganized, and is now in a flourtshing [sic] condition. An election for officers was held a few weeks ago, and resulted in the choice of Captain Casper Gang, as President, James Gabby, Vice President, Frederick Lang, Treasurer, and W. H. Young, Secretary; Foreman, Louis Faber. Casper Gang is an old fireman, having been First Engineer of the Vigilant, in 1845, the year in which the great fire too [sic] place. On Saturday night he left for Philadelphia, for the purpose of purchasing equipments for the members of the company.

Sudden Death.—A man named James Cunningham died suddenly at the boarding house of Mrs. Hanlon, corner of Walnut and Ætna streets, in the Fifth ward, on Saturday afternoon. It appears that he had been at work in one of the rolling mills in that vicinity for some time past, but a few weeks since, feeling unwell, quit work for a few days; for the past week or so, he had however, been at work apparently as well as ever. Saturday he was engaged piling pig iron, and about four o'clock in the afternoon feeling sick, returned to his boarding house. He continued to grow worse, and Drs. McDonald and Kearns were sent for, but were unable to cure him, and he died about five o'clock. The Doctor stated that his death was caused by drinking too much water when overheated by work. The Coroner was not informed of the matter and no inquest has been held. Deceased was unmarried and about twenty-three years of age.