
From Pittsburgh Streets
Why Some Allegheny People Will be Lost, Strayed or Stolen.

The special committee of Allegheny Council, appointed to suggest names for streets the names of which have been duplicated, met last night and suggested the following changes: Beech street, from New Brighton road to Woodland avenue, to be known as Acorn street; Bell avenue, from Federal street to Willow street, Mascott avenue; Benton street, from Spencer street to Saud street, Pacific street; Ceder [sic] avenue, from Ohio to North avenue, Clyde street; Benton alley from Federal street to Irwin avenue, Bent alley; Clyde street from Broadway northward, Burns street; Ann street from Buchannan to Herman street, Bud street; Anna street from township northward, Watson avenue; Ashton street from Black lane, Kimberlin street; Central street from Woods Run avenue southward, Aldine street; Carter street from Irwin avenue, Centennial street; Centre street from Marshall avenue, Atlantic street; Centre alley from Point street to Basin street, Stone alley; Centre alley from Federal street to Sandusky street, Alaska alley, Church alley from Ohio street to Vinial street; Chapel alley; Cliff street from Cedar avenue northward, Crest street. The committeemen being exhausted, stopped for the svening [sic], but will resume the work in a few days.