
From Pittsburgh Streets
Residents of Two Sections Object to Altering Street Titles.

Northside and Oakland residents object because of the action of a committee of council Wednesday in favorably recommending an ordinance to change the name of Reliance street, Northside, back to its former name of Robinson street. This action, it is said, was taken without any written petition signed by residents of the street being presented to council, and merely upon the personal request of two men who are residents of the East End. The alleged reason for the action was to honor the memory of General William Robinson, the first white child born in old Allegheny city. None of the residents or property holders on Reliance street appear to have asked for the change. The name of the street was changed three years ago from Robinson to Reliance at the request of property holders on the street. The business men on the street have their stationery printed with the present name on it and do not desire a change, it is said.

Residents of Robinson street, Oakland, have learned that if the ordinance passes, the name of their street will have to be changed, without their consent and without any of them having been consulted. They will demand a hearing on the ordinance.