
From Pittsburgh Streets
Special Meeting—Report of a Special Committee on Improvements.

A special meeting of the Select and Common Council, of Allegheny city, was held yesterday, Thursday, May 20th, 1869, at half-past seven o'clock.

Select Council.

Members present: Messrs. Callery, Faulkner, Gwinner, Hall, Hartman, J. C. Patterson, Phillips, Riddle, Reiter and President McBrier.

Mr. Phillips, from the Special Committee, appointed to enquire into the expediency of erecting a public hall on the Third ward square, submitted the following report:

Gentlemen: Your Special Committee, to whom was referred the resolution relating to the propriety of erecting a public hall building in the Third ward square, would respectfully report that they had the matter under consideration, and while nothing was agreed upon further than appointing a Sub-Committee to consult with architects and ask them to prepare rough plans of improvements. Your Committee was fully convinced from data before them that such a building or series of buildings could be erected, comprizing [sic] a public hall and rooms for city offices, not only without levying a tax for the same, but providing a revenue almost equal to all the incidental resources of the city together. Your Committee will say that almost at the very outset of their labor, parties owning property in the vicinity, proposed to be enclosed, gave them to understand that the city have no authority to use said square for any such purposes as proposed. The opinion of the City Solicitor was had on this matter, which verifies the position of the property holders. Your Committee having complied with their instructions, respectfully ask to be discharged or further instructed.

Accompanying the report was the opinion of the City Solicitor, sustaining the view of the property owners relative to the improvement.

On motion of Mr. Hall the matter was laid over for the present.

Mr. Faulkner presented a report from the Railroad Committee, stating that the Fort Wayne Railroad Company had agreed to put up a bridge at Preeble street for the safety of foot passengers. The report was accept [sic].

Mr. Phillips offered a resolution instructing the Street Commissioner to widen the sidewalk uniformly on Marion avenue. Referred to the Street Committee with power to act.

Mr. Callery called up the ordinance relative to tapping sewers and making connections therewith, and moved its adoption.

Mr. Hall moved to lay the matter over for the present. Adopted.

Mr. McBrier (Mr. Hall in the chair) presented the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee on Streets and Sewers be and are hereby instructed to report a general ordinance in regard to the frontage tax for sewers on corner lots. Adopted.

Mr. McBrier offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Ordinances to consider the propriety of digesting the city ordinances and compiling the same for publication in book form, and also the expediency of revising the charter. Adopted.


Common Council.

In the absence of the President, Mr. Long, of the First ward, was called to the Chair.

Members Present—Messrs. Blair, Comley, Gilliland, Hanna, Hastings, Kirkpatrick, Krebbs, Kopp, Long, Megraw, McNeill, Porter, Reineman, Seidle, Tate, Thompson, Voegtly, Warner.

Reading of the minutes was dispensed with.

Mr. Hanna moved a suspension of the rules in order that general business might be taken up. Carried.

Unfinished Business.

Business from Select Council, which had been presented but not acted upon at the last meeting, was taken up.

The plan for the Western avenue sewer was presented as it had been adopted by Select Council.

Mr. Tate moved to lay it over until the next regular meeting.

Mr. Hanna presented a remonstrance against the plan. Ruled out of order by the Chair.

Mr. Voegtly moved to amend by referring the plan back to the Committee on Streets and Sewers. Carried.

Mr. Hanna again presented the remonstrance against the sewer, which was read and referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewers.

The plan for the Anderson street and Stoddard alley sewer was next presented.

Mr. McNeil moved to non-concur and refer back to the Committee.

Mr. Tate asked the gentleman's reasons for opposing the sewer.

Mr. McNeil said he understood there was a new law relating to sewers recently passed by the Legislature, and he would not vote for the construction of a sewer under its provisions.

Mr. Megraw had not heard of the proposed sewer until it was brought before Councils. He thought the matter should be investigated further. He believed that not half a dozen people on its line had ever asked for it.

Mr. Voegtly thought all the sewer plans should be laid over for the present.

Mr. Tate moved to concur with Select Councils in adopting the plan.

The yeas and nays being called, the motion was decided lost.

Mr. Warner moved to lay the plan over until the second meeting night in June. Carried.

The White Oak alley sewer plan was next taken up.

Mr. Hanna moved to concur and adopt the plan.

Mr. Voegtly moved to amend by laying it over until a future meeting. Carried.

Mr. Long now vacated the chair in favor of Mr. McNeill.

Report of Street Committee.

The report of the Street Committee was read and received, the action of Select Council being then concurred in.


The action of Select Council, in the following business, was concurrec in. In refering [sic] to Committee on Street, and Sewers, a resolution to authorize the City Engineer to employ an assistant to superintend the construction of sewers. In passing, finally, ordinances for grading and paving of Fayette street, Sixth Ward; for construction of culvert on Perry street; for grading and paving of Jefferson street, Second Ward; for construction North avenue sewer; for construction of White Oak alley sewer; changing the name of Webster street, between Stockton and Montgomery avenues, to Sherman avenue.

In referring to the Committee on Water petition for water pipe on Brady and Wagoner streets.

In referring to same Committee petition for water on Concord street.

In accepting communication from Park Commissioners.

In referring to Committee on Gas, a resolution for the erection of a Gas lamp at corner of Monterey street and Benton alley.

Non Concurrences.

The ordinance for paving First alley, north of Hemlock street, Third ward; for construction of Anderson street and Stoddard alley sewer; for construction sewer on Lincoln avenue and Rope alley; for construction of sewer on Western avenue; relative to the running at large of animals through the city; for construction of sewer on Spring Garden avenue, all of which were in S. C. passed finally, were laid over.

The ordinance for the paving of Evans alley in Select Council, passed finally, was amended by striking out "between Locust and Sheffield streets," and as amended adopted.

Report of Committee on City Property.

The report of the Committee on City Property was read. Mr. Voegtly moved to concur in the action of Select Council in adopting the report after striking out the resolution relative to the Allegheny Library. Lost.

Mr. Megraw moved the adoption of the repert [sic] as a whole. Carried.

New Business.

Mr. Warner presented a petition for a change of grade on Juniata street, Sixth ward. Referred to Committee on Streets and Sewers.

Mr. Megraw presented the report of the Conference Committee, relative to the building of a house for the Good Will Hose Company, Sixth ward. The Committee reported in favor of awarding the contract to Messrs. Murdock and Hall for a two story house complete at a cost of $10,688.

Mr. Warner moved to refer back to the Committee to prepare a plan for a two story building, and advertise for new proposals. Adopted.

Mr. Thompson offered a remonstrance from citizens on Jefferson street, against the grading and paving of the same. Referred to Committee on Streets.

Mr. Long offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Wharves and Landings to report upon the expediency of extending Allegheny avenue to the river for the purpose of using the same as a public landing. Referred to Committee on Wharves and Landings.

Mr. Thompson: a petition for the repeal of the ordinance relative to the grading and paving of Evans alley. Referred to Committee on Streets.

On motion adjourned.