Notes:Japonica Way

From Pittsburgh Streets

From Source:Ency-pa-biog-5@1639–1640:

(V) Major-General James Scott Negley, son of Jacob Negley, Jr., and Mary Ann Scott, and nephew of George G. Negley, was for many years a conspicuous personage in the history of Pittsburgh. He had an enviable record for heroism in both the war with Mexico and the Civil War and was promoted to the rank of Major-General after the battle of Stone river. He was born December 22, 1826, at East Liberty, Pennsylvania, and was educated at the public schools and at the Western University of Pennsylvania, but before his graduation he enlisted in the Duquesne Grays, which organization became a part of the First Pennsylvania Regiment. He participated in the siege of Vera Cruz and battles of Cerro Gordo, La Perote and Las Vegas, and was at the siege of Puebla. After this war ended he returned to Pittsburgh and for a time engaged in manufacturing pursuits, but soon began farming and horticulture. He became one of the most skilled horticulturists in the whole country. While thus engaged, and prior to the Civil War, he took a deep interest in the military matters of his State, and was chosen brigadier-general of the Eighteenth Division of the State militia. Foreseeing the civil conflict coming on, he as early as December, 1860, made formal offer of an organized brigade to the Governor of Pennsylvania, but it was not until the President's first call for troops, April 17, 1861, that authority was given him, after having been summoned to Harrisburg by the Governor, to recruit and organize volunteers. He was mustered in as brigadier-general of volunteers and placed in command of the State encampment at Lancaster. General Patterson chose him to lead one of his brigades in the Shenandoah campaign during the early part of the rebellion. He was prominent at the engagement at Falling Waters, Virginia, and after his three months' term had expired he was placed in command of the volunteer camp at Harrisburg and later, with his brigade, joined General Sherman's command in Kentucky. Under General Rosecrans, General Negley became quite prominent again in the operations of the Tennessee campaign. He led the forces against Morgan's command at Shelbyville; was at the battle of Lavergne, October 7, 1862, and defeated the Confederates under Anderson and Forrest. At the battle of Stone river, in front of Murfreesboro, he commanded the Eighth Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, and throughout that never-to-be-forgotten campaign performed heroic services of which the government was not unmindful. He drove Breckenridge from the intrenchments and insured final success to the Union army. For this valor and gallantry in this signal victory, he was promoted to the rank of major-general of volunteers. He led the advance at Lookout Mountain and drove the enemy from its position and skillfully saved General Thomas' corps from an overwhelming defeat at Davis' Cross Roads. At Chickamauga, Rossville and Chattanooga his services make for him, indeed, a proud record.

Soon after the latter engagement General Negley resigned, took leave of his command and returned to Pennsylvania. In 1868 he took an active part in politics and was in the campaign of "Grant, Colfax and Peace," and elected to a seat in the Forty-first Congress from the Twenty-second Congressional District of Pennsylvania, by almost five thousand majority. He was reëlected to the Forty-second and Forty-third Congresses, and again in 1874 was elected to Congress as well as to the Forty-ninth Congress, after which he retired, and in New York City embarked in railroad enterprises. While in Congress he conceived the idea of making Pittsburgh a deep water harbor and obtained the first appropriation for this purpose. He also aided Ohio river and other river and harbor enterprises. He was largely interested in Mexican railway building. At one time he was president of the Union National League of America; member of the Grand Army of the Republic; Scott Legion; Masonic fraternity; National Board of Steam Navigation; Shipping League, etc., holding official places in all. Pittsburgh will long remember his work in securing the appropriation for the Davis Island Dam.

General Negley was twice married. In 1848 to Miss Kate Losey, by whom he had three sons, Clifford, James S. and George—all deceased. By his second marriage, to Miss Grace Ashton, he had three daughters: Grace, who married Enoch Farson. They have two sons and reside at West Chester, Pennsylvania. Edith and Mabel, who reside with their mother in New York. General Negley died August 7, 1901, and was laid to rest in the Negley family lot in Allegheny Cemetery with military honors.