Notes:Centre Avenue

From Pittsburgh Streets

  • Why doesn't Centre Ave continue all the way to Washington Blvd? Why does it end at East Liberty Blvd?
  • Extending Centre Ave to Washington Blvd is not feasible at this time because it would create a duplicate intersection in the City based on the root names of the streets
  • There is already an intersection of Centre Ave and Washington (Place) in the Lower Hill District (by the Consol Energy Center)--to create another intersection with the same root names would be a public safety hazard for 911 responders
  • Negley Run Blvd and Collins St currently overlap for one block (north of East Liberty Blvd), and renaming this block could create inconsistencies in the house numbers there, as Centre Ave has a different address range
  • This solution still creates a mostly continuous Centre Ave that will assist in visitor navigation

Source:Frey, p. 175: "Forbes Street had been laid out in 1868, and Seventh Street Road became Centre Avenue."