Notes:Adon Street

From Pittsburgh Streets

Source:History-of-allegheny-county, vol. II, p. 62: "Sheridanville is largely in futuro, but under the energetic management of the 'Sheraden Land & Improvement Company, Limited,' its future as a suburban village is apparently well assured. It is but four miles and a half from the city, and situated in a region of great natural beauty. A number of houses have been erected, and the grading of streets is in progress. The town was originally laid out by N. P. Sawyer in 1872, under the name of Aschenaz, but the growth of the village was not remarkable until about four years since. A Methodist Protestant church was built in 1884. Sheridanville postoffice was established February 10, 1886."

Source:History-pgh-environs-3, p. 768: "The original Chartiers township has nearly all been annexed to Pittsburgh or made into boroughs. On account of the rugged topography of this region the city's line makes some queer twists. Lying between Sheraden and Chartiers Creek is what remains of Chartiers township. The borough of Sheraden was originally from a part of that township and was plotted by N. P. Sawyer in 1872, and the name of Aschenaz given to the village. A Methodist and a Presbyterian church were built in 1884, and a post office established February 10, 1886. The site was exploited in 1889 by the Sheraden Land and Improvement Company, and since that time was known as Sheraden, and in 1917 was annexed to the city of Pittsburgh."